Friendship Hands and Class Placement 2025
Later this week teachers will be sending home a small friendship hand for each child in Prep to Year 5 to complete, by recording 5 friends that they think would be a good fit in their class next year. We will be continuing with composite classes, so students are able to write the names of friends from the linked year level for 2025 classes for Year 1-2, Year 3-4 and Year 5-6. The teachers will be starting to complete their online surveys that support class development for 2025. We have a few weeks to be working on all of this and continuing with our school transition sessions through November to see how students interact and work with each other, to ensure we have classes that are balanced and will have success for everyone in 2025.
If you have any questions about transition or 2025 classes, please reach out to Glen or Kate to discuss. Please return Friendship Hands to your child’s class teacher by Friday, 15 November.