Our Values


Drysdale Primary School’s vision is to be fully inclusive in providing the highest quality of education for each one of its students in their academic learning, and the personal development of their skills in LOTE, music, visual arts, performing arts and sport. Drysdale Primary School is a fully inclusive school promoting the safety of all students including those with a disability as well as the cultural safety of all students particularly those who are vulnerable due to an Indigenous, cultural or linguistic background.


We strive to fulfil our school motto “Accept the Challenge” by working hard, being persistent and consistently being the best we can be.


Drysdale Primary School has identified five core values that we want all members of the school community to demonstrate.  We believe this will help us achieve our vision.

  1. We have chosen Resilience to reflect the importance of pushing on when there are challenges on the journey to achieving the highest standards.
  2. We are a fully inclusive school that seeks to offer Acceptance to everyone for who they are and welcome them into our community.
  3. Integrity means doing the right thing and making the right choices in every circumstance.  This degree of honesty is essential in helping our community develop to be the best it can be.
  4. Success is not simply academic nor personal.  It is a combination of everything that goes into making our students ready for life.
  5. Enjoyment helps us make the most of our abilities and reminds us to take pleasure in everything that individual members of the Drysdale Primary School community do.

At Drysdale Primary School we value:

Resilience – We bounce back from challenges.
Acceptance – We care about each other. We all belong.
Integrity – We make good choices.
Success – We always do our best.
Enjoyment – We have fun.

Drysdale Primary School upholds the democratic principles of the Commonwealth of Australia and the State of Victoria. We are bound by state and federal laws created by elected governments of the Commonwealth and the State of Victoria. We recognise and support the right of all people to be treated equally by these laws. We recognise and support the principles of all people’s freedom of religion, of speech and of association. We promote and support the values of openness and tolerance.


Drysdale Primary School’s mission is to educate children in the Drysdale and Clifton Springs communities with a focus on innovative, high quality teaching, children’s personal growth and development of their individual talents.